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Fiction Serials in The Star

Authors: F - L

Farjeon, B. L. (1838-1903)
Miriam Rozella, July 26, 1923 (the first instalment of a serial novel continued in the Daily Mail)

Farjeon, J. Jefferson (1883-1955)
Salvage, December 2, 1924 - January 31, 1925
The Crook's Shadow, February 25 - April 20, 1926

Fenn, Clive R. (1869-1953)
The Gulf Profound, October 21 - November 11, 1902

Fenn, George Manville (1831-1909)
Black Blood: A Peculiar Case, January 17 - March 20, 1905

Fletcher, J. S. (1863-1935)
The Dictators: A Romance of Scientific War on London, January 15-16, 1901 (the first two instalments of a serial novel continued in the Morning Leader)
The Passenger to Folkestone, March 16 - April 23, 1927

Folliott, Margot
Somebody's Darling, November 4 - December 24, 1925 (written with Sidney Morgan)

Forbes, Athol  pseudonym of Forbes Alexander Phillips (1866-1917)
The Woman Within, November 23 - December 17, 1903

Frankau, Gilbert (1884-1952)
Life - and Erica, May 15, 1924 (the first instalment of a serial novel continued in the Daily Mail)

Gallon, Tom (1866-1914)
The Rogues' Syndicate, January 25 - March 7, 1904
Lagden's Luck (A Strange Love Story), May 16 - June 13, 1904
Brother Rogue and Brother Saint, May 5 - June 5, 1905
Fate's Beggar Maid, May 16 - July 2, 1906
The Man in Motley, May 25 - July 9, 1908
The Mystery of Roger Bullock, August 26 - October 6, 1909
The Man of Silence, May 22 - July 8, 1912

Gardner, Erle Stanley (1889-1970)
The Case of the Curious Bride, October 22 - November 10, 1934

Garrard, Dorothy M.
Iris: The Story of a Spoilt Daughter, December 28, 1920 - February 28, 1921
The Spider's Web, August 29 - October 28, 1921

Garvice, Charles (1851-1920)
The One Girl in the World, May 3, 1915 (the final instalment of a serial novel that had previously appeared in the Echo)

Gaunt, Hardy
The Broken Cigarettes, February 2 - March 9, 1914

Gerard, Morice  pseudonym of John J. Teague (1856-1929)
Night Wings, December 2, 1914 - January 8, 1915

Golding, Louis (1895-1958)
The Camberwell Beauty, March 20 - April 27, 1935

Gould, Nat (1857-1919)
Good at the Game, May 10 - June 13, 1911

Grant, Conrad
The Blonde Air Bandit, October 7-24, 1933

Guidott, William
What Delia Dared, February 17 - March 19, 1915 (written with John Brooke)

Haestier, Richard
Sixty Glorious Years, October 24-31, 1938 (adapted from the film script by Sir Robert Vansittart and Miles Malleson)

Halifax Robert  pseudonym of Robert Edwin Young (1870-1943)
Two on a Trip: A Weird Tale of the South Coast, June 12-16, 1900

Hamilton, Margaret
The Heart of Dolores, October 6 - November 15, 1911

Harper, Harry
The Sign of the Knotted String, July 27 - August 27, 1921 (written with Nancy Harper)

Harper, Nancy
The Sign of the Knotted String, July 27 - August 27, 1921 (written with Harry Harper)

Hawton, Hector (1901-1975)
Tides of Enchantment, June 17 - August 6, 1929

Haynes, Annie (1886-1929)
Lady Carew's Secret, December 19, 1912 - February 3, 1913
Cicely Vibart's Love, October 7 - November 10, 1913
Charmian's Lovers, June 25 - July 23, 1914

Heddle, Ethel F.
The House of Shadows, October 13, 1919 (the first instalment of a serial novel continued in Girls' Own Stories magazine)

Hill, Headon  pseudonym of Francis Edward Grainger (1857-1927)
The Sentence of the Court, October 29 - December 3, 1900
The "Ocean King" Mystery, June 30 - August 1, 1902
The Kiss of the Enemy, March 7 - April 11, 1904
Link by Link, October 30 - December 11, 1907
In Sheep's Clothing, July 10 - August 25, 1908
My Lord the Felon, November 16, 1911 - January 10, 1912
Sir Vincent's Patient, November 11 - December 24, 1913

Hilton, James (1900-1954)
Knight Without Armour, September 28 - October 16, 1937

Hornung, E. W. (1866-1921)
The Shadow of the Rope, December 2, 1901 - January 20, 1902

Hosken, Heath
That Kind of a Woman, March 14, 1924 (the first instalment of a serial novel continued in The Daily Chronicle; written with Coralie Stanton)

Hume, Fergus (1859-1932)
The Jade Eye, August 5 - September 4, 1902
The Black Yacht, February 16-28, 1903
The Spider, January 31 - April 16, 1910
The Mystery of the Murdered Motor Magnate, July 23 - September 27, 1932

Hunter, John (1891-1961)
The Three Crows, December 20, 1927 - January 31, 1928

Hurry, Alfred
Mayfair Lou, November 14 - December 19, 1927

Jepson, Edgar (1863-1938)
The Dead Head, May 27 - July 12, 1910
The Gillingham Rubies, March 6 - April 9, 1913
The Dutchman's Pictures, December 29, 1921 - February 15, 1922

Jesse, F. Tennyson (1889-1958)
The Man Who Stayed at Home, March 19 - April 17, 1915 (adapted from the play of the same name by Lechmere Worrall and J. E. Harold Terry)

Kaye, Wilmot
The Red Streak, February 21 - April 11, 1912

Langley, Oswald
The Mystery Man, January 3 - February 27, 1923

Leighton, Marie Connor (1866-1941)
Lady Highmoor's Daughter, February 16 - April 3, 1922
The Crooked Cat, October 30 - December 24, 1923

Lenglen, Suzanne (1899-1938)
The Love Game, May 4, 1925 (the first instalment of a serial novel continued in the Daily News)

Le Queux, William (1864-1927)
The Three Glass Eyes, February 10, 1903 (the first instalment of a serial novel continued in the Morning Leader)
Who Giveth This Woman?, December 6, 1904 - January 17, 1905
The House of the Wicked, February 21, 1905 (the first instalment of a serial novel continued in the Morning Leader)
Whatsoever a Man Soweth, August 1 - September 19, 1905

Leslie, Charles D.
Pamela's Kingdom, July 19 - August 25, 1909

Lethbridge, Sybil Campbell (1873-1945)
Her Fight With Fate, September 5 - October 6, 1913
The Serpent's Tongue, April 19 - June 14, 1915
Market Value, February 3 - March 22, 1919
False Heart and True, October 26 - December 23, 1920
Fair Game, April 4 - May 30, 1922

Lindsay, David (1876-1945)
The Haunted Woman, August 30, 1921 (the first instalment of a serial novel continued in the Daily News)

Lyons, A. Neil (1880-1940)
London Pride, March 24 - May 5, 1919 (based on the play by Gladys Unger and A. Neil Lyons)



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