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"The Weekly Star"

For a brief period, The Star Newspaper Company, from their offices in Stonecutter Street, published The Weekly Star. This version of the newspaper, which came out every Saturday, was larger than the daily edition but similar in overall layout and design. The Weekly Star lasted from February 1892 to January 1894, and although it was a short-lived publication, a number of novel-length serials and short stories were printed during its lifetime. The checklists below include the entire fiction contents of The Weekly Star. Please note that no fiction appeared in the paper after May 1893.


Dowling, Richard (1846-1898)
Twice Lost: A Tale of Love and Fortune, June 11 - December 3, 1892

Edgar, Reginald
A Queer Tale of the City, March 11-25, 1893

Henty, G. A. (1832-1902)
In the Days of the Mutiny: A Military Novel, February 6 - July 2, 1892

Muddock, J. E. (1842-1934)
The Sting of the Scorpion: A Romance of the Days of Henry VIII, October 29, 1892 - March 4, 1893

Stuart, Isabelle
The Revolution of 1894, February 4 - April 15, 1893

Winter, John Strange  pseudonym of Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard (1856-1911)
My Little Friend, April 8 - May 27, 1893

Short Stories

Young Lord Ashby, April 29, 1893
Oysters: A Tale of Love and Woe!, May 20, 1893

The Advent of "The Weekly Star:" A Ghost Story, February 13, 1892

Gay, Ellerton
An Echo: A Dialogue, April 22, 1893

Holt, J. Harold
A Terrible Experience, April 22, 1893

W., H. M.
Alfred East's Sacrifice, April 1, 1893



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